BJJ black belt Josh Griffiths outlines another effective strategy for handling an opponent who tries to stack you during an armbar from closed guard.

If your opponent begins to stack you, making it difficult to continue with the submission due to their hands being clasped together, it's time to switch tactics. Adjust your grip so that your left hand controls the arm, setting up for your next move.

With the grip adjusted, use your right hand to underhook the opponent’s far leg. This positioning is critical as it allows you to pull yourself underneath the opponent. As you execute this movement, ensure that you maintain open and control over the arm you initially targeted.

This underhook and spin enable you to maneuver under and eventually get on top of the opponent. As you complete the roll and come to the top position, keep a firm hold on the arm and the leg to control the opponent’s posture and movements. From this dominant position, you are well-set to finish the armbar or transition to another submission based on the response of your opponent.