If you want to SKYROCKET your open guard game with Rickson Gracie’s top BB Henry Akins NEW instructional click here now

ALSO … IMPORTANT…READ THIS >>  I am GIVING AWAY A FREE RAFAEL LOVATO JR GUARD RETENTION COURSE when you grab this Henry Akins Tip of The Spear Course by 12 midnight TONIGHT 10/10

Grab this course now and follow the directions to get the bonus today! 

 – Shaun Smith

JiuJitsu.com Founder
When you get the new Henry Akins course FROM THIS LINK  I will give you a FREE Guard Retention Instructional from Rafael Lovato Jr.

Just REPLY to SUPPORT@JIUJITSU.COM with your receipt of purchase and I will active your FREE BONUS GUARD RETENTION course within 24 hours.
(you can check out guard retention course here




Monday, October 10, 2016 at 10:00 pm -0700